About Us

Who we are? 

We are web application development team. Our blogspot web (https://bitscv.blogspot.com) has been developed in 2019 and is growing rapidly in features, links created, clicks and site visits.

Why we created a URL Shortener service? 

We have many websites and online services and we needed to short all links than we posted in social networks, email marketing campaigns, banners, promoted content and links in our sites. So we created at the beginning for our own use and now we are focusing in providing

We were not be able to use other external URL Shortener service providers because:
  • Owning a URL Shortener was strategic for work. 
  • Many URL Shortener services have a short life span because of the difficulty in maintaining the service and dealing with issues (growth, spam, infra-structure, updates, hacker attacks, database consistency, broken links, support...). Before using https://bitscv.blogspot.com, we used some URL Shorteners that are not online anymore and we lost many links. 
  • Other URL shorteners were limited and many ads.

What if we tell you that Tiny does more than just shortening your URL?

With our user-friendly link management software, you can immediately start gathering statistics and data in real time, so you can make more accurate decisions. From country to browsers, from operating system to conversion, our web app is an on-demand URL shortening service that tracks your customer’s interaction on both a macro and micro level.


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